How GPS Running Watches Can Track, Monitor and Boost Your Workout

There is one thing about running you should keep in mind – you don’t have to go fast, you just have to go. Effective running has a lot of benefits to your health and your overall well being. However, to get the most of your workout, it is essential that you have the right gear which will help you make it more effective. GPS running watches are innovative gadgets that can help you track and monitor your workout, enabling you to record your pace and the distance you have covered so far. Continue reading How GPS Running Watches Can Track, Monitor and Boost Your Workout

How to Train with a Heart Rate Monitor

The heart rate monitor answers the eternal question of how fast is fast and how slow is slow. A heart rate monitor (HRM) is a useful tool to find your target zone of heartbeats per minute. The HRM is your pacer, telling you when to speed up or to slow down to achieve the results you want to get with your workout. However, before starting any exercise program, you should consult a physician to design a program that is well suited for your goals and current condition.

c62fcbb45a1050768a03f7fd082d3477 Continue reading How to Train with a Heart Rate Monitor