The Best Supplements for Burning Fat

Do you feel that you cannot stop stuffing your face and feel so fat, depressed and there is nothing you can do about it? Stop it now! Come on, wake up, you got this! Get back that motivation, do something about it! I have lost 22 kg a couple of times. I love potato chips and I love burgers. I say to myself Life is too short not to eat burgers! Then stop stuffing your face with food and change your life! There is no short-cut, there is no super diet for 3 days or some magical pill that will help you loose that weight!


How do you rate yourself from one to ten? How motivated are you to do something about it? One of the things we must do is to work on ourselves continuously. From my personal experience, I can tell you that using supplements for weight loss, exercise and diet can help you easily reach your goal. Be patient! Continue reading The Best Supplements for Burning Fat

How to Pack the Ultimate Sport Backpack

Starting living a healthy life starts from the moment you wake up. How much is your determination? Have you done your daily workout? Many questions, only one answer. Welcome to the first step of changing your life. My story begins a couple of years ago when I had serious health issues. The doctor was serious when he told me that I need to change my life. This was my wake up call!

I have been doing my regular workouts for two years now. There is a saying that tells us after you put your workout shoes half of the battle is done. There is something else, in fact, it is hidden in your sport backpack! You need the right equipment! There are a lot of exercise essentials that need to be in instant reach, and here is the one and only ultimate guide. Continue reading How to Pack the Ultimate Sport Backpack

Vegan Guide To Protein Powder

Have you started to walk the path of Vegan? Enlightenment and new moral values give you the boost to live healthy life and protect the environment. Welcome to the peaceful and tranquil world of fruits, nuts, grains, lentils and veggies. I have been vegan for 5 years, and I have built a body like Superman. Many people approach me and ask me how I maintain my shape without eating proteins? Can I take protein powder and are they vegan-approved? Thankfully, there are many products that regular people use and are 100% vegan. Here is the perfect guide for using vegan protein powder!

The first thing you should do is to research what powders you will mix together or you will buy already mixed blends. On the market, there are a lot of choices but always go with the one that suits you the best. Remember to try them all so you know which ones gives you the best results. Continue reading Vegan Guide To Protein Powder

Tricks To Wearing Your Women Sport Shoes Outside The Gym

Well, here’s a news for all the sporty ladies – sneakers are still in! Even if you are not an athlete in soul, I swear that sneakers can become a part of your daily outfits. So fashionistas, let the athlete in you get out, and pamper yourself with several pairs of women sport shoes. Continue reading Tricks To Wearing Your Women Sport Shoes Outside The Gym

The Healthy Quintuple: 5 Gifts for Health Enthusiasts

Exchanging gifts with friends and relatives is one of the best way to share the holiday spirit. With the gift you give to a loved one, you show care and attention to the person. Also by choosing a gift for someone you show how well you know the person, in terms of what he/she likes, what makes him/her happy and so on. Continue reading The Healthy Quintuple: 5 Gifts for Health Enthusiasts

Protein Powder For Women: Which One Is For You?

When women decide to build lean muscles, there are several different sources to choose from. Protein powders for women are a very convenient addition to one’s daily intake of all the necessary building blocks our bodies thrive on. Also, since time has become a precious scarcity to everyone, having a quick and reliable way to get a refill of healthy energy and boost the effectiveness of the exercise routine, is truly an attractive option, worthy for further exploration. Continue reading Protein Powder For Women: Which One Is For You?

How GPS Running Watches Can Track, Monitor and Boost Your Workout

There is one thing about running you should keep in mind – you don’t have to go fast, you just have to go. Effective running has a lot of benefits to your health and your overall well being. However, to get the most of your workout, it is essential that you have the right gear which will help you make it more effective. GPS running watches are innovative gadgets that can help you track and monitor your workout, enabling you to record your pace and the distance you have covered so far. Continue reading How GPS Running Watches Can Track, Monitor and Boost Your Workout

How To Choose Basic Running Gear

If you are a novice to running, you are probably wondering about your running gear selection and how you can choose the one that will offer protection and provide you maximum results at the same time.

And you are absolutely right for not being able to make up your mind, because considering the amount of brands, models and designs present on today’s market, choosing the basic running kit has definitely become a complex and demanding task.


We totally support running as a great way to blow off the steam after a long and stressful day, so this is why we want to give you a hand in making your perfect running gear selection. And here is how. Continue reading How To Choose Basic Running Gear

Fitness Equipment Buying Tips

Buying fitness equipment for your home makes exercise convenient if you shop smart. Here’s how to plan a strategy before you spend your hard earned money.

Exercise is an important part of a weight loss schedule. While during summer finding a chance to get out and exercise is easier, in the winter you really need to rely on home or gym fitness equipment. However, home fitness equipment is much more convenient and cheaper than a health club membership. In addition, easy access to fitness equipment in your home makes easier for you to find time in getting fit. However, if you don’t choose wisely, you will be at the risk of wasting money on fitness equipment that is difficult to use and not well designed. Following are some fitness equipment buying tips that will help you pick the right equipment to suit your lifestyle and budget.

Fitness-Equipment-tips Continue reading Fitness Equipment Buying Tips

Choosing The Best Protein Powder For Your Needs

As the protein market has grown, nowadays you can find a wide range of protein powders available out there. However, that availability can lead you to become confused when you need to buy protein powder products. To avoid standing confused in front of a wall of protein powders in a health food store, find out here how to choose and buy protein powder products that will be able to match your needs.

Protein-Powder Continue reading Choosing The Best Protein Powder For Your Needs